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Your Elastic Body Suit!…and then some….

Fascia – yes fascia! You may have heard of that word. To me, it is way more than a word, but a way of life really. It’s a rich, bodywide sensory organ that affects everything it comes in contact with. It influences health, wellness, fitness, and even mood.

The categories of research regarding fascia are vast and the research has grown exponentially since the early 2000’s. I’ve had the honor of working right alongside some of the top researchers of our time and recently had my foam rolling chapter included in the latest fascia research textbook pictured here.(Myself and Dr. Robert Schleip at a conference I hosted for him and presented at ~ main editor of book pictured here).

Yes, this may be a “hot topic” in the fitness arena, but most of it is watered down or VERY behind the current research regarding how to take care of it. LONG gone are the days of lying on a foam roller on the side of your thigh trying to “loosen” the IT Band and “dying” of pain. Long gone are the days of only static stretching and thinking that will help flexibility (or really extensibility of muscle/fascial tissue).I could on and on ~ but to sum it up, I’ve come up with a 55 minute class in person at my Santa Monica studio to teach people how to condition this strong, yet highly sensitive tissue. This class covers precise categories of movement to address the various receptors in fascia. Some receptors respond to slow movement, quicker movement, vibration, slow stretch, light bouncing ~ I include it all, and you will feel relaxed, refreshed, and connected. Please contact me at [email protected] or call/text at 310-720-7257 for information about times and days. Feel free to forward this newsletter to someone you know that could use this information. Thank you and be well!
