There is Way More... To the Core!

There is Way More… To the Core!


Let’s first take a look at what is referred to as the “inner core” or “inner unit” (Figure 1). This is simplified here but it gets the point across. The top of this sphere shaped unit includes the diaphragm (used in breathing-the first function of the core), the pelvic floor on the bottom, the transverse abdominus that wraps from the front to the back, and the multifidus (local muscles that stabilize the spine). These are the intrinsic, deep muscles that are working on your behalf to literally help perform every single movement you make. They stabilize and allow segmented movement of the spine as well as allow force transfer from your limbs bottom-up or top down. This prepares the body for productive and safe movement. This is how you build core strength.

The original research that got this whole core conversation going in mainstream fitness was actually focused on why low back pain occurred in people with non-specific (not an injury or some diagnosable reason) low back pain. Dr. Paul Hodges should be the champ on the front cover of the magazines – not a celebrity. 

The Kinesiogram™ biomechanical assessment and corrective exercise system I just released examines this issue. You can sign up HERE for a complimentary information session.

Be well and stay tuned to stay informed!
