Testimonials: See What Clients Are Saying


Meet Teresa.... after suffering major injuries in her teens, her exercise experience has been challenging to say the least. Now in her 50s, she has found a way to create a path to success using the Kinesiogram™ evaluation and corrective exercise system.

Commitment, energy, and results!


When I started with Michele, I had a sway back with hyperextended legs & arms, which Michele pointed out could cause major problems. Michele was able to teach my body to have better posture, strength, and endurance. I like the way she evaluates my body movement, any weaknesses or imbalances, and executes a corrective solution. She creatively integrates various types of exercises with movement and breathing and doesn't just do standard weight training that most trainers I worked out with in the past always did. You can't fake sweat, and I always receive a whole body workout feeling invigorated, joyous, and ready to take on the world.

Michele Bond, M.S.

A New Approach to Exercise....


Amy's Kinesiogram™ Experience

Amy found success with the Kinesiogram PREMIER™ program! She explains how it made her slow down to really look at how she was moving and then explains the progress she made with movement, exercise, and commitment.

Claudia's Kinesiogram™ Experience

Listen to Claudia's testimonial about the Kinesiogram PREMIER™ program! She found her FOREVER tools for the ultimate self-care.


No beginning is too small!

Joquin was sedentary for many years. After getting his Kinesiogram™ and corrective exercise program, listen to how he progressed with not just moving but with his commitment. His newfound enthusiasm is remarkable!


It was my great fortune to meet Michele in 2013 as I was recovering from a critical medical emergency. Following over a year of intense physical therapy, I was convinced that my body would never be the same after my abdominal area had been decimated by a life-saving surgical procedure. Although I was grateful just to be able to walk and perform the most basic functions, I felt that my body would never return to its pre-surgical strength.

My demeanor may have reflected this dismay when I first met Michele at the gym where she was working. I was exhausted from attempting a 30-minute workout and frustrated that I could not feel my muscles working. She expressed genuine interest in my physical challenges and medical journey. During our initial chance encounters, her enthusiasm for innovative research in the field of fascia therapy, combined with her empathy for my specific circumstance, fostered our working relationship.

As Michele was completing her graduate work in Kinesiology, she never hesitated to incorporate innovative techniques into my program if she thought they were applicable to my specific physical challenges. Gradually, I got stronger, gained mobility, and I could feel my muscles working again.

Her passion for fitness is contagious, motivating, and inspiring. I credit Michele for guiding me on my fitness journey and am pleased to say that my current fitness level enables me to live life on my own terms and without limits.



Michele has helped me in so many ways. With her encouragement, there are no hurdles, just options. I feel so lucky to have her in my life to help me recover from surgery and then to stay fit and healthy. Thank you, Michele.

Kate's Texts - Starting over and making it happen!